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BIBE 2016 Student Paper Awards Announcement

The 16th annual IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE 2016) has organized the best and distinguished student paper award. The candidate papers have been judged on originality, methodology, significance, correctness, and clarity. Five cash awards have been presented on November 2, 12:30 pm at the 10F Room 1, Splendor Hotel, Taichung, Taiwan. The awards was sponsored by the Biological and Artificial Intelligent Foundation (BAIF).


The Best Three Student Paper Awards

Analyzing retinal optical coherence tomography images using differential spatial pyramid matching
Parvathi Chundi, Mahadevan Subramaniam, Kevian Sabet and Eyal Margalit
* Kevian Sabet did not show up, the cash prize will be remitted to the winner.

An ensemble based in-silico prediction of Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins under mitochondrion organization
Dinithi Sumanaweera and A. Shehan Perera

A self-confined single-cell loading platform combining PDMS mesh and patterned Cytop for non-invasive studies of single cell secretions
Yu-Jui Chiu, Wei Cai, Yuesong Shi and Yu-Hwa Lo

All winners received a 300 USD cash award.


Distinguished Student Paper Awards

GReMLIN: a graph mining strategy to infer protein-ligand interaction patterns
Charles A. Santana, Fabio R. Cerqueira, Carlos H. Da Silveira, Alexandre V. Fassio, Raquel C. de Melo-Minardi and Sabrina De A. Silveira

Effects of individualized respiratory cycle-based vibration stimuli on nervous system after mental or physical load
Naoto Iwamoto and Hiroshi Hagiwara

All winners received a 280 USD cash award.


Bold faced names represented the student winners.