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Program Day 1

October 31, 2016

07:30-08:30 Hallway Registration
08:30-09:35 Splendor Room II Opening Remarks
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Philip S. Yu, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Chair: Prof. Jeffrey J.P. Tsai, Asia University, Taiwan
09:35-10:40 Splendor Room II Keynote Speaker: Prof. Satoru Miyano, University of Tokyo, Japan
Chair: Prof. Jean-Claude Latombe, Stanford University, USA
10:40-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:00 Splendor Room II S1-1: Medical Informatics and Healthcare Applications
Chair: Prof. Tatsuya Akutsu, Kyoto University, Japan

CRDT: Correlation ratio based decision tree model for healthcare data mining

Smita Roy, Samrat Mondal, Asif Ekbal and Maunendra Sankar Desarkar

Navigating health literacy using interactive data visualization

Enjie Liu, Youbing Zhao, Hui Wei, Stefanos Roumeliotis and Eleni Kaldoudi

HL7 FHIR compliant data access model for maternal health information system

Saadia Ismail, Majed Alshmari, Usman Qamar, Wasi Haider Butt, Khalid Latif and Hafiz Farooq Ahmad

Fong Lo Room I S1-2: Clinical and Forensic Bioinformatics - I
Chair: Prof. Kung-Hao Liang, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan

Influence of induced altitude acclimatization on development of acute mountain sickness associated with a subsequent rapid ascent to high altitude

Luo Xiaomin, Wang Lei and Yang Lei

Identifying obstructive sleep apnea by exploiting fine-grained BCG features based on event phase segmentation

Fan Liu, Xingshe Zhou, Zhu Wang, Tianben Wang, Hongbo Ni and Jun Yang

Automatic lesion detection system (ALDS) for skin cancer classification using SVM and neural classifiers

Muhammad Ali Farooq, Rana Hammad Raza and M.Aatif Mobeen Azhar

12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:20 Splendor Room II S1-3: Gene Expression and MicroRNA
Chair: Prof. Y-h. Taguchi, Chuo University, Japan

Finding influential genes using gene expression data and Boolean models of metabolic networks

Takeyuki Tamura, Chun-Yu Lin, Jinn-Moon Yang and Tatsuya Akutsu

Inference of gene regulatory networks using coefficient of determination, Tsallis entropy and biological prior knowledge

Carlos H. A. Higa and Camila Y. Koike

microRNA-mRNA interaction identification in Wilms tumor using principal component analysis based unsupervised feature extraction

Y-H. Taguchi

Statistical principle-based approach for detecting miRNA-target gene interaction articles

Nai-Wen Chang, Hong-Jie Dai, Yu-Lun Hsieh and Wen-Lian Hsu

Fong Lo Room I S1-4: Recent Advancement in Biotechnology
Chair: Prof. Yu-Jui Chiu, University of California San Diego, USA

A self-confined single-cell loading platform combining PDMS mesh and patterned Cytop for non-invasive studies of single cell secretions

Yu-Jui Chiu, Wei Cai, Yuesong Shi and Yu-Hwa Lo

Detecting cell growth and drug response in heterogeneous populations: A dynamic imaging approach

Chao Sima, Jianping Hua, Rosana Lopes, Aniruddha Datta and Michael Bittner

Computation of pharmacologic therapy effects on cognitive abilities of Alzheimer's disease patients

Aydin Saribudak, Adarsha Subick and Muharrem Umit Uyar

Effect of chitosan on motility of bacteria-driven liposomal microrobots

Van Du Nguyen, Jiwon Han, Shaohui Zheng, Viet Ha Le, Seung Yoon Song, Seong Young Ko, Jong-Oh Park and Sukho Park

14:20-14:25 Intermission
14:25-16:05 Splendor Room II S1-5: Genomics and Proteomics, Biological Network Analysis
Chair: Dr. Charles C.N. Wang, Asia University, Taiwan

Proteins of CASP3, TP53, and MYC targeted by triptolide towards ovary inducing female reproductive toxicity

Guang Zheng and Xiaojuan He

Host-pathogen protein interaction prediction based on local topology structures of a protein interaction network

Jira Jindalertudomdee, Morihiro Hayashida, Jiangning Song and Tatsuya Akutsu

An ensemble based in-silico prediction of Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins under mitochondrion organization

Dinithi Sumanaweera and A. Shehan Perera

Identifying protein complexes method based on time-sequenced association and ant colony clustering in dynamic PPI networks

Cuicui Yang, Junzhong Ji and Jiawei Lv

GReMLIN: a graph mining strategy to infer protein-ligand interaction patterns

Charles A. Santana, Fabio R. Cerqueira, Carlos H. Da Silveira, Alexandre V. Fassio, Raquel C. de Melo-Minardi and Sabrina De A. Silveira

Fong Lo Room I S1-6: Medical and Physiological Signal Analysis
Chair: Prof. Chi-Ren Shyu, University of Missouri, USA

Psycho-physiological response in 3D multiple object tracking

Shuichi Satake and Hiroshi Hagiwara

Effects of individualized respiratory cycle-based vibration stimuli on nervous system after mental or physical load

Naoto Iwamoto and Hiroshi Hagiwara

Validity of the mind monitoring system as a mental health indicator

Naoki Hagiwara, Yasuhiro Omiya, Shuji Shinohara, Mitsuteru Nakamura, Hideo Yasunaga, Shunji Mitsuyoshi and Shinichi Tokuno

Simple and robust ideal mid-sagittal line (iML) extraction method for brain CT images

Wenbo Li, Haiwei Pan, Xiaoqin Xie, Zhiqiang Zhang and Qilong Han

Heart rate variability signal features for emotion recognition by using principal component analysis and support vectors machine

Han Wen Guo, Yu Shun Huang, Chien Hung Lin, Jenchien Chien, Koichi Haraikawa and Jiann Shing Shieh

16:05-16:25 Coffee Break
16:25-17:45 Splendor Room II S1-7: Healthcare Systems and Methodology
Chair: Prof. Shen Feng, Northeastern University, USA

Framework for rapid development of embedded human-in-the-loop cyber-physical systems

Shen Feng, Fernando Quivira and Gunar Schirner

Comparison of motion sickness-induced cardiorespiratory responses between susceptible and non-susceptible subjects and the factors associated with symptom severity

Chien-Liang Chen, Ping-Chia Li, Chia-Chang Chuang, Chi-Wen Lung and Jing-Shia Tang

Fong Lo Room I S1-8: Biological Systems, Modeling and Computational Fluid Dynamics
Chair: Prof. C.M. Chang, Asia University, Taiwan

Multiscale meshfree analysis of the effects of thermal treatments on deformability of red blood cell membrane

A.S. Ademiloye, L.W. Zhang and K.M. Liew

Improved nephron model for pressure-diuresis and pressure-natriuresis

Siva Manohar Reddy Kesu and Hariharan Ramasangu

Velopharyngeal closure function strategy in articulation

Kazunori Nozaki, Hiroo Tamagawa, Chihiro Sugiyama, Kanji Nohara, Takayoshi Sakai, Kohei Hatanaka, Machiko Nakagawa, Koichi Satoh, Makoto Kariyasu, Takashi Yamashiro and Mikihiko Kogo

Stent design for compensating wall shear stress via computational modeling and fluid dynamics

Chun-Ming Chang, Wei Shin Wong and Jeffrey J.P. Tsai

18:15-21:00 Splendor Room I Reception