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Poster Session


The IEEE BIBE 2016 are going to have a ‘Poster Session’ in conjunction with the BIBE main conference and cordially invite you to submit a two pages A4 abstract (one page is not accepted). The objective of the poster session is to provide an interactive channel for researchers to share their research results for problems in the areas of bioinformatics and biomedical engineering. It is expected that IEEE will publish the proceedings of the poster abstracts together with the main conference proceedings. Please note that the page limit is two pages in IEEE double-column format for poster abstracts.

Paper Submission

A poster abstract should include the following sections: background, materials and methods, results, discussion and conclusion, acknowledgement and references. Note that the abstract should be written in English and submitted electronically in PDF format (file size less than 5MB) through the paper submission system. Submitted work must not contain contents that have been published or are under consideration for publication by any other journal or conference.

To submit the poster abstract, click here.

Accepted Posters

Manuscripts may only be submitted in PDF format. A copyright form needs to be submitted upon acceptance of the paper and is not required at this stage. Each accepted poster should be presented by one of the authors at the conference. At least one author of each accepted abstract should be registered to ensure the publication of the abstract in the BIBE 2016 conference proceedings and IEEE Digital Library.

Important Dates
  • Submission deadline: August 22, 2016 (Taiwan Time 23:59:59)
  • Notification of acceptance: August 31, 2016
  • Camera-ready version due: September 10, 2016


Organizing Committee

Kuo-Yi Lin, Asia University, Taiwan