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MicroRNA is a short non-coding RNA whose primary function is supposed to be post-transcriptional regulation of mRNAs. Although it has been extensively studied for over a decade, its detailed mechanisms have not yet been fully understood. The difficulty is possibly because of lack of experimentally and theoretically effective methods, and this should be solved by invention of new technologies. Thus, any new proposals regarding them are welcomed. In addition to these, many new aspects, e.g., coordinated actions of microRNA with various epigenetic factors, including promoter methylations, histone modifications, and structures of chromosome, have started to pique researchers’ interests. Furthermore, non-canonical functions, e.g., functionalities inside nuclei and non-canonical bindings, also seem to be important. In conclusion, any research papers about new theoretical, computational, or experimental methodologies, as well as excellent reviews regarding these topics are welcomed. MicroRNA regulations, of not only target genes, but also any pathways, diseases, or differentiation, are also interesting topics. We are looking forward to receiving many submissions from outstanding expert on these topics.

Paper Submission

Detailed instructions for manuscript preparation can be found on the conference website through this link. Note that all manuscripts should be written in English and submitted electronically in PDF format through the paper submission system. Submitted work must not contain contents that have been published or are under consideration for publication by any other journal or conference.

Accepted Papers

Each accepted paper should be presented by one of the authors at the conference. At least one author of each accepted paper should be registered and pay the full registration fee to ensure the publication of their paper in the BIBE 2016 conference proceedings and IEEE Digital Library.

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline: July 15, 2016   July 18, 2016 (23:59:59 Taipei Time)
  • Notification of acceptance: August 15, 2016   August 22, 2016 (23:59:59 Taipei Time)
  • Camera-ready version due: August 15, 2016   September 10, 2016


Organizing Committee

Y-h. Taguchi, Chuo University, Japan (