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Paper Submission

Submission Instructions

The hyperlink provides access to the paper submission system. Only electronic submission will be accepted. Manuscripts may only be submitted in PDF format. A copyright form needs to be submitted upon acceptance of the paper and is not required at this stage. Please note that:

  • Submitted work must not contain contents that have been published or are under consideration for publication by any other journal or conference.
  • Every paper accepted for publication in the Proceedings of BIBE 2016 must be presented during the conference.
  • Every paper accepted for publication must have attached to it at least one registration at the full member/nonmember rate. Thus, for a paper for which all authors are students, one student author will be required to register at the full registration rate.


Preparation Instructions

Manuscripts must be written in English and follow the instructions in the Manuscript Formatting and Templates page. Document templates are located at:


Camera-Ready Paper Submission

Please follow the instructions of the author kit provided by the IEEE CPS to upload and also register your camera-ready paper by the deadline. The page limits of camera-ready papers are as follows:

  • Regular Paper: 8 pages, including all figures, tables, and references. (2 extra pages allowed with additional US$100 per page)
  • Short Papers 4 pages, including all figures, tables, and references. (No extra pages allowed)
  • Workshop Paper: 6 pages, including all figures, tables, and references. (No extra pages allowed)

Submitted camera-ready papers without completion of full registration will not be included in the conference proceedings. At least one author of each registered paper is required to give an oral presentation at the conference.